Growth Hack – The Law of 100
There’s one mistake I’ve made over and over in my career, and I know many others are making that same mistake, especially when you’re like me when your Kolbe profile states that you’re high on Quickstart. Untill I learned about the law of 100.
I wasn’t following through enough
- Writing emails, blog posts, social media.
- Product creation
- Relationship building
- Leads follow up
You name it, in many cases, I didn’t follow through. But when I reflect on why I didn’t follow through, it’s because there was a disconnect between the action and the results I could see. One blog post or one email doesn’t change your business overnight, but when you stick long enough to it, it will.
That’s something I also experienced, that once you hit that tipping point of consistency, it all becomes so more effortless. So how do you get there? Luckily I’ve discovered a new strategy shared by Noah Kagan: The Law of 100.
SAAS Bazen Podcast
I was recently interviewed on the SAAS Bazen Podcast (Dutch) about growth hacking in SAAS. Johan, the host of this show told me that for the first 40 episodes not much happened with the podcast. It didn’t get much traction. But after that point, it really took off. A perfect example of sticking with it long enough!
Growth Insight – The Law of 100
In growth hacking, we always speak about high-tempo testing and running many experiments. But step 1 is getting those experiments live. That’s where the law of 100 comes in. If you’re not able to stick long enough with something to assess the effect, you’ve already failed.
How does this apply to you? Ask yourself the following:
What’s the one thing that I will do 100+ times and only after that assess if it’s working or not
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In 1 Day, instead of trying 100 times
There’s one way to fast-track this process and have an expert help you. With Marieke Pijler from Brand Density, I’m organizing a One Day Masterclass to help you find a positioning and growth strategy that attracts extreme revenue growth into your business!
Early Bird tickets are available until the 17th of March. We’ve got only 15 places in total, where already 6 spots are reserved. I can’t wait to see you there!.
NEW! For only 9,95 euros, you can get the epub version of my book Structuring for Extreme Revenue Growth