Structuring for Extreme Revenue Growth Book

Extreme Revenue Growth Chris Out

Quickly Monetize Your Biggest Opportunity

Can you turn this Extreme Revenue Growth Book into 100.000 euros+ of extra revenue? That’s the question I continuously asked myself when I wrote this book. It was vital for me to give people an Extreme Revenue Growth Book with a clear roadmap. For example, a playbook can significantly impact their topline revenue. Because there’s an important lesson, I learned early in my career: Sales solves everything.

Extreme Revenue Growth Book Promise

I know that I make a bold promise with the title, but I believe it can be done. I’ve been growing companies for years, and almost every business is looking for the right approach. But many are stuck and don’t know where to start growing their business. So should they focus on Growth Hacking, or is it something else they need to do?

Without any doubt, I can say that when somebody takes action, they should build a skill set that can generate 100.000 euros extra in every business. If you don’t think that’s possible, contact and challenge me 🙂

Extreme Revenue Growth Chris Out
Structuring for Extreme Revenue Growth Chris Out

Where can you get my Extreme Revenue Growth Book?

The book is widely available online, and below you can pick your favorite store.

The book is both available in paperback and Kindle/Epub.

Who should read Structuring for Extreme Revenue Growth?

This book is applicable for everybody who wants to understand how they can influence their revenue growth and even go into Extreme Revenue Growth.

  • Growth Hackers
  • Agency Owners
  • Corporate Innovators
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Online Marketeers
  • Every member in a growth team!

What’s this book about?

What are the key topics of this book?

  • What’s the secret to Extreme Revenue Growth?
  • How do you keep re-inventing yourself while growing revenue in a fast-changing environment?
  • What’s the fastest way to build next-level growth teams with financials?
  • How can you use the principles of growth from Silicon Valley and make them applicable to your own specific growth challenge?
  • What’s the best way to find the unique growth algorithm for your business using algorithmic thinking?

What are the parts of this book?

Part 1: From Growth Hacking to Algorithmic Growth Thinking

Part 2: Finding Your Unique Growth Algorithm

What are the chapters about?

Chris has been on a long quest to find the answer to the question: “What can I do today to make an impact on the growth of my company?”

What can you find in each chapter?

With the WALLET Method, Chris shows you how to find the MAGNET that will help you to generate more revenue growth in your business. More than ten digital bonuses accompany the book, including a number of very ACTIONABLE worksheets, all free to download!

  1. Your Lost Opportunity
  2. My Extreme Revenue Growth Story
  3. Finding a suitable model of Growth
  4. Growth Hacking
  5. First Principles of Growth (Hacking)
  6. The WALLET Method
  7. Work once and get paid forever
  8. Access accelerates growth
  9. Lifetime Growth
  10. Let Growth be easy
  11. Every Level has a growth devil
  12. Tap into the hidden goldmine

Download your free worksheets

Get access to the free bonus course with all the worksheets mentioned in the book. Register for a free account and get all the upcoming updates. 

From Growth Hacking to Algorithmic Growth Thinking

Growth Hacking is ready for evolution! Unfortunately, many companies that want to implement growth hacking aren’t digitally native or software companies. Therefore you must understand the nuances of what can make or break your growth hacking strategies.


Discover the uniquely developed WALLET Method to quickly monetize your biggest opportunity.

  • Work Once Get Paid Forever
  • Access Accelerates Growth
  • Lifetime Growth
  • Let Growth Be Easy
  • Every Level has A Growth Devil
  • Tap into the Hidden Goldmine


Discover the uniquely developed MAGNET to quickly attract Extreme Revenue Growth to your business.

  • Modular Asset Building
  • Always-on Layer
  • Growth Levers
  • Next-Level Growth Teams
  • Experimenation Layer
  • Touch-Based Value Ladder

Where can you get Structuring for Extreme Revenue Growth?

Building in public

Make sure to come back often to this page, as I will regularly update this page. When you want to get help to get the most out of my book, feel free to visit my Growth Consulting page. I’ve helped many entrepreneurs with one-on-one coaching. In conclusion, personal development will make or break you.
